We organize prestigious and unique marketing programs: Consumer´s Choice – Best New Product, Most Trusted Brands, ZaP and TaP News. These projects run in the Czech Republic and Slovakia.
These marketing programs help manufacturers and retailers increase sales of their products, strengthen their brands and consumer´s trust. They make it easier for consumers to navigate the retail market.
years on the market
years in Slovakia
compared brands so far
companies involved
nominated products or products lines
Our projects in Slovakia

A marketing program that has been monitoring, rewarding and supporting new and innovative products or product lines launched on the Slovak fast moving market for the past twelve years.

Unique marketing program that monitors and rewards brands in the Slovak market in which Slovak consumers have the most confidence.

It is on-line database fulk of new products on the Slovak market, accompanied by a monthly newsletter with an overview of products from the past month.
It is really a huge honor for us to win this award. I think that especially in the category of medicines, it is very important that the trust between the consumer and the brand is there.
Lucia Galambošiová
Junior Brand Manager, Paralen a Paralen Grip
We have won for the first time and we are glad that customers and consumers have chosen our product. Consumers respond, I think in general to the logo. It is very interesting, because there are many products and the customer evaluates which product is better and which has lower quality.
Peter Masný
Key account and Area manager, Mapa Spontex
I think that Consumer´s Choice is a credible competition and when I personally see this logo somewhere, it convinces me to buy the product. So I think it could work the same for our product.
Maroš Puškár
Business Manager, Soare Sekt Slovakia
ATOZ Marketing Services, spol. s r.o.
IČO: 48117706
Holečkova 657/29
150 00 Prague 5
Czech Republic
phone number: +420 605 296 741
email: lukas.matejka@atoz.cz
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